Seguranet: Dating violence prevention campaign
Short film raising awareness about dating violence issues.
Seguranet: Cyberbullying
How does cyberbullying affect kids?
Seguranet: Sharing personal information
The risks of constantly sharing personal information on the Internet.
Seguranet: Sexting
The personal videos you share can spread much more than anticipated.
Seguranet: There’s life offline
Keeping online life in balance with outdoor and social life.
Seguranet: Always online
When a kid spends too much time on the Internet.
Seguranet: School without bullying 2
Seguranet: Antivirus
Always keep your antivirus up-to-date.
Seguranet – think before sharing online
Short animation on thinking before sharing personal info online, broadcast in the teleschool slot on the Portuguese television channel RTP1.
Seguranet – beware of your digital footprint
Short animation on digital footprint, broadcast in the teleschool slot on the Portuguese television channel RTP1.