Seguranet: Dating violence prevention campaign
Short film raising awareness about dating violence issues.
NegaWATT: What is Energy Efficiency
Considering the energy efficiency scale of home appliances for energy saving.
Seguranet: Cyberbullying
How does cyberbullying affect kids?
NegaWatt: Energy Sufficiency
An animation about choosing domestic appliances and using them sufficiently.
Seguranet: Sharing personal information
The risks of constantly sharing personal information on the Internet.
NegaWATT: Sustainable mobility
Energy-saving in day-to-day activities.
Seguranet: Sexting
The personal videos you share can spread much more than anticipated.
NegaWatt: Reduce your energy bill
Tips to reduce your electricity bill.
Seguranet: There’s life offline
Keeping online life in balance with outdoor and social life.
NegaWatt: Decarbonizing
How our behavior regarding energy usage can impact environmental decarbonization.